
Mediation For Personal Injuries: Questions You May Have

If you are injured due to negligence and wish to pursue legal damages against the negligent party, you can opt to go through mediation. If you are nervous about going to court or if you would rather get the case over more quickly, mediation can be a good option. You will have a say in how the case settles. Here are some things you need to know before talking to a personal injury attorney: Read More 

Is Divorce Something You Know What You Want? Learn These 3 Things First

If you know that you are ready to file for divorce and leave your spouse, but you aren't sure where to start or if it's the right time to make a move, you need a legal consult. You want to meet with a lawyer to talk about your options, find out what you should do, and to make sure that you know what is going on with your finances and that you will be safe when you file. Read More 

Ways To Avoid Being Coerced Into Street Racing

If you're browsing automotive clips on YouTube, you don't have to look very long before you find a compilation of cars racing each other on the highway. While it may look fun, it's also highly dangerous — with a legitimate risk of someone being hurt or killed. If you have a high-performance car, there's a chance that another driver will want to race you. This may be tempting, but in addition to the dangers, there's also a high probability that you could get a serious traffic ticket for street racing — also called stunt driving in many jurisdictions. Read More 

What To Do If You’re Ever Hit By A Car

Hopefully, you are never hit by a car as a pedestrian. Such an incident could be deadly -- or result in serious injuries. But sadly, people are hit by cars every day in the U.S., so it's important that you know what to do if you ever find yourself in this situation. 1. Move out of the street if you are able. It's important not to move too far if you have been injured. Read More 

Delayed C-Sections: Do You Have A Case?

Women put their life, as well as the life of their unborn child into the hands of a medical provider during childbirth. The women expect to be protected. However, every year, a growing number of women face an unfortunate circumstance that leads to injury, or even the death, of their child. One of the situations is a delayed C-section. If you gave birth and your provider failed to perform a C-section promptly, and you suffered any loss or hardship, you may have a case for compensation; learn more. Read More