There are a lot of decisions you need to make if you are married and wish to file for bankruptcy. One of these is whether to make individual filling or submit a joint one with your spouse. Here are four situations in which it pays to make independent fillings:
1. You Have Excellent Credit
Even though many people's credits usually bounce back after bankruptcy, there is no denying that bankruptcy does have a big effect on credit rating.
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If you are self-employed and are going to do quite a few write-offs for your business, then it is important to understand how they work. Here are 4 types of write-offs you should understand so that you know what counts toward your taxes.
Office Write-offs
First, you need to know what types of write-offs count. If you have a home office where you do all of your work, for example, then you can write off the space by giving the dimensions and the cost of you total rent or mortgage per month.
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After losing a loved one, many people feel as though their family member or friend died before their time. For most people, this is nothing more than a natural part of the grieving process. However, for some people, this feeling stems from the fact that their loved one's death could have been prevented if the other parties involved death had not acted in a negligent manner. In these cases, the loved ones that are left behind may be able to file a wrongful death claim in order to seek compensation on behalf of the deceased.
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Debt is becoming a common four-letter word that plagues most American households, especially since the economy has been in recession for quite a long time now. The national U.S. debt is quickly approaching $18 trillion and the average household credit card debt is approximately $15,950. It is no wonder that there were a total of 619,069 chapter 7 bankruptcy filings in 2014. If you're considering filing for bankruptcy, chapter 7 may be the best option, as you will be freed of all debts as long as you surrender all of your assets.
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No one enters marriage thinking their union will be short-lived, but the fact of the matter is that 60% of marriages for couples between the ages of 20 and 25 end in divorce. If you are looking for ways to reduce your likelihood of becoming divorced, statistics show that some factors could work in your favor.
Here are three factors that could reduce your risk of divorce in the future.
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