
What You’ll Want To Know About Workers’ Compensation If Injured On The Job

Workers' compensation is designed to give you financial compensation if you were to ever become injured while doing something as part of your job. It is not only capable of paying for your medical bills, but also wages that you lost as part of the injury. Here are some things you'll want to know about workers' compensation if you were to ever become injured on the job. How Do You Start The Workers' Compensation Process? Read More 

The Power Of A Subpoena In Marriage Dissolution

Dissolving a marriage can be quite difficult, not only emotionally but also physically. When you end your marriage, you might decide that you want to work with an attorney, especially if you have a lot of assets you need to consider. You might also have issues like child support, spousal support, custody, and visitation to consider. For this reason, you might consider the impact of working with an attorney. Together, you might realize that it is a good idea to have a subpoena issued. Read More 

Negligence Per Se In Personal Injury Cases

For a personal injury claim based on negligence, the plaintiff has to prove that the defendant owed them a duty of care, breached the duty, and the breach was the proximate cause of the plaintiff's injuries. However, there is another form of negligence — negligence per se where the plaintiff doesn't have to prove all that. Below is an overview of negligence per se. Meaning and Proof Negligence per se is legalspeak for automatic negligence. Read More 

What to Do After an Auto Accident with a Government Employee Driver

Involvement in an auto accident seems pretty cut and dry in most situations. If someone drives foolishly and causes an accident, you can file a suit against that person and seek compensation. However, things tend to get tricky when your accident involves a government employee. Even if the employee was clearly at fault, you cannot just file a car accident suit against that person and hope for quick compensation. Understanding what to do can help you navigate the murky waters of the situation more easily. Read More 

Why Injury Claims Often Take So Long To Settle

When someone hires a personal injury lawyer, one of the first issues that has to be discussed is how long the process might take. In many cases, claims can take months or even years to be approved and to be paid out. Let's consider how that conversation with a personal injury attorney might go. Getting All the Medical Information This is one of the biggest reasons a claim may take a while. Read More