The Power Of A Subpoena In Marriage Dissolution
Dissolving a marriage can be quite difficult, not only emotionally but also physically. When you end your marriage, you might decide that you want to work with an attorney, especially if you have a lot of assets you need to consider. You might also have issues like child support, spousal support, custody, and visitation to consider.
For this reason, you might consider the impact of working with an attorney. Together, you might realize that it is a good idea to have a subpoena issued. What does this mean? What does it mean for the end of your marriage? Is it a good idea? This is what you need to know.
Understanding the Subpoena
A subpoena is a legal document requiring somebody to do something. They do not have a choice, and they must comply or make a case for the court why they should not have to abide by the mandate.
Subpoenas for Child & Spousal Support
Your attorney may issue a subpoena to seek evidence that your ex-spouse is working and trying to hide a paycheck under the table. They may figure that not holding down a job could mean they will not be responsible to pay child or spousal support. If an ex, claims to be sick or disabled, a subpoena may help prove that this is not the case and he or she has actually been cleared for work.
A subpoena can also be used to prove that your spouse is hiding assets from you or the court. A subpoena may be the force you need to require your ex to disclose all information about assets, debts, and properties.
The Requirements of a Subpoena
A subpoena may have different requirements. For example, a subpoena may call for the mandated appearance of a person at a court hearing. This person could be a witness, employer, or family members.
Subpoenas may also call for an individual to bring documents or information to the court. This could be financial or business records, for instance.
The Benefits of Working With an Attorney
If you need a marriage dissolution, it is a good idea to consult with an attorney who is experienced with divorce. They can issue the subpoena, which would otherwise require a significant amount of knowledge and paperwork. Your attorney will be able to take care of this issue promptly, saving you time and money so you can handle other life events.