Mesothelioma Patients: You Have Rights

What Lost Wage Benefits Should You Expect From Workers’ Compensation?

If you have been injured from a work-related accident, you may be wondering how you will provide for your family while unable to work. Your employer very likely offers workers' compensation insurance to you at no cost, and you are covered if you were injured while on the job. You are entitled to benefits including lost wages. Read on to find out more about how workers' compensation could help you to replace your salary. Read More 

Is Your Child Dealing with Birth Defects Because of Zofran?

Did nausea cause you a lot of trouble while you were pregnant, so your obstetrician prescribed you Zofran, and assured you that it was safe? If so, and your child has some birth defects or developmental concerns, your obstetrician could be at fault. There are medical studies that show Zofran could increase the risk and be the cause of birth defects and problematic, and because you took the medication your child may pay the price. Read More 

Amazing Reasons Why An Airport Arrest Is So Confusing

Getting arrested is usually a harrowing experience. The embarrassment and potential legal problems all hit the accused square in the face. Things are even worse when the arrest takes place in an airport. Added to the usual problems are a host of possible uncertainties. Here are some of the unknowns that can make an airport arrest so disturbing. After reading this article, it will be clear why anyone detained in the vicinity of an air travel terminal will want to speak to a criminal lawyer for advice. Read More 

Why You May Be Required To Pay Palimony

If you are divorcing, then the court may order you to pay spousal support if your financial status is better than that of your spouse. This is what is known as alimony. Did you know that you may be ordered to make comparable payments even if you were not married, have been cohabiting for some time and are now separating? In this case, it is known as palimony and the court may order you to pay it if: Read More 

2 Legal Documents You Want Before You Say I Do

If you are going to be getting married and you want to make sure that you have everything protected and set, you'll want to meet with a lawyer to set up a prenuptial agreement, and a will. Having these two documents in order will ensure that everything is protected if anything happens to you, or if you get divorced. A lawyer can help you draw up both before your big day. Read More