Trauma At Work: Know Your Benefits

Work-related injuries and illnesses have always been covered by worker's comp insurance but there is a fairly new category of coverage some workers may not know about. As work-related traumatic events have become more common there has been a growing awareness of just how much damage can occur as a result. Read on to find out more about one of the more recognizable mental disorders associated with mental trauma, PTSD. Read More 

3 Tips To Reduce The Risk Of Litigation For Businesses

For businesses, litigation is that one thing that they hope they never have to deal with. It is expensive, time consuming and could potentially be unflattering to one's reputation. It can also have a negative impact on employee morale. Litigation can take months, if not years, to truly recover from. Therefore, businesses need to take steps to reduce the risk of litigation. Tip #1: Put Agreements in Writing—and Sign Them Read More 

3 Benefits Of Hiring A Car Accident Lawyer

No one ever leaves the house expecting to get in a car accident, but car accidents happen all of the time. Being involved in a car accident can be very traumatic and stressful, especially if there are injuries involved. When you're not at fault for a car accident, you are entitled to a financial settlement to replace or repair your vehicle, cover the cost of lost wages, and pay for medical bills that you may have if you were hurt. Read More 

3 Important Things To Consider Regarding Estate Planning

Have you been giving some thought to what will happen after you pass on? Do you want to make sure that your loved ones are taken care of after you are gone? Although nobody likes to think of such things, it's important to have a plan regarding what you want to have happen to your personal possessions and to any money that you might have when you pass on. This will help to eliminate any misunderstandings or confusion that your acquaintances, relatives, and heirs might have in regards to both your funeral and afterward. Read More 

3 Little Things Most People Don’t Know About Consuming Alcohol

Every year, many people find themselves in a sticky situation in court, facing a DUI charge. They may have had a drink with friends at the club, went out after having some wine, or even enjoyed a beer at the game and thought they were fine to drive. The thing is, alcohol is a tricky substance, and most people do not understand completely how it affects the body, which is why so many people end up with a DUI when they believe they've done no wrong. Read More