Evelyn Moreno

What Are White Collar Crimes?

Since the release of the USA Network television series White Collar, nearly everyone has heard the phrase "white collar crimes." However, not everybody knows what white collar crimes are. The term was first coined in 1939 by Edwin Sutherland, who referred to it as "a crime committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his occupation." There are many different types of white collar crimes that fall under this term. Read More 

If You Slip And Fall At A Pool, Can You Sue?

When you fall at a place of business, such as at a pool, you could potentially sue. The circumstances of the fall and the damages you sustained will determine whether or not suing would be worth your time. If you think that you have a case, your first course of action should be to contact a slip and fall attorney. When you meet with your slip and fall attorney, he or she will ask you a variety of questions. Read More 

Faqs About Temporary Total Disability

Temporary total disability is an option in certain situations after having an injury in the workplace. The disability payment is part of workers' compensation and is paid to you by your employer's insurance provider. Before requesting disability payments, you need to understand the eligibility criteria and application process.  What Are the Eligibility Criteria? To qualify for temporary total disability benefits, you must have an injury that is expected to keep you temporarily unable to work for a period of time. Read More 

What Lost Wage Benefits Should You Expect From Workers’ Compensation?

If you have been injured from a work-related accident, you may be wondering how you will provide for your family while unable to work. Your employer very likely offers workers' compensation insurance to you at no cost, and you are covered if you were injured while on the job. You are entitled to benefits including lost wages. Read on to find out more about how workers' compensation could help you to replace your salary. Read More 

Is Your Child Dealing with Birth Defects Because of Zofran?

Did nausea cause you a lot of trouble while you were pregnant, so your obstetrician prescribed you Zofran, and assured you that it was safe? If so, and your child has some birth defects or developmental concerns, your obstetrician could be at fault. There are medical studies that show Zofran could increase the risk and be the cause of birth defects and problematic, and because you took the medication your child may pay the price. Read More