3 Family Law Misconceptions You Should Look Out For
It can be challenging to know what to believe and what not to when it comes to family law. After all, the rules themselves are often complex, and there are a lot of misinterpretations floating around that might misguide you. If you don't want to be confused by these regulations, contact a family lawyer. They'll help you debunk the skewed versions of family law circulating in entertainment. They'll explain your options if you have a case to let you show up in court prepared and with more clarity. This article highlights three misconceptions about family law that you should watch out for:
Only Mothers Get Custody of the Children
Many people assume that courts only favor mothers regarding kids' custody when, in reality, they look out for children's best interests. Courts often grant custody to a parent who can offer their children the best care despite their age. This could be either the mother or the father. If you can't agree with your spouse on who should get the kids, it's essential to let the courts decide. During this process, you should work with a family lawyer. They'll prepare you for the likely outcomes and help you craft a plan that will ensure both of you raise your kids equally.
A Kid Has a Right to Choose the Parent They Want to Live With
A child has no legal right to choose which parent they want to live with. In fact, the court may not rule in your favor if you say the child asked to live with you. There has to be a good reason the child wants to live with you and not the other parent. If your kid is of reasonable age and asks to speak to the judge because they have a preferred parent in mind, it's best to seek advice from a family law attorney. They'll find out why the kid isn't comfortable living with the other parent. It could be that they're being mistreated. With this proof, they'll convince the court to rule in your favor.
A Partner Who Doesn't Work Gets Less Property
This common misconception can have costly consequences because the court doesn't view things this way. Instead, it tries to be as equitable as possible, dividing up property in a way it believes is fair. Even if one spouse wasn't working during the marriage, the court may view them as contributors to the matrimony in other ways, such as through caring for the children or managing the household. A lawyer can defend your interests and ensure that you are fairly compensated for your contribution to the marriage.
Contact a family law firm for more information.