Four Actions That Could Make Your Divorce Harder

Coming to the conclusion that you want to get a divorce is already difficult. If you are planning to divorce, the first thing that you need to do is seek out a divorce attorney to find out what items and information you need to take inventory of. There are some actions that you may want to hold off on performing if you are planning a divorce. Here are four things that can change the terms of your divorce if you are currently filing or in the middle of preparing a divorce. 

Changing jobs or getting back on the market

In a divorce, things such as marital assets, alimony, and child support will be divided up between the couple. Some of this will be based on equality and some will be based on need. If you change jobs in the middle of a divorce, this could change what you will need to pay or what assets you do receive. If you are a stay at home parent, looking for a job could also change the custody or alimony agreements. Talk to your divorce attorney before making any changes to your job situation.

Opening new accounts

Financial transparency is of the utmost importance for those who are going through a divorce. During the filling process until after the divorce is signed on refrain from starting any personal accounts. If it looks like you are trying to move to hide marital assets you may get into legal trouble for this move. Be sure to use the accounts, credit cards, and other financial assets that you have now until the divorce goes through. 

Moving out of town

During a divorce, or even after a divorce, moving far away may not be allowed. Even if you and your future ex-spouse are separating homes immediately, it is a good idea to stay near or in the area that you currently live. Moving further than an hour or two away may need to be approved by the judge and agreed upon by your spouse. Be sure to provide the address of the place that you will be moving to so that there is no communications problem later on. 

Cutting off contact

While you may not want to have personal conversations with your soon to be ex due to hurt feelings, you will still need to provide them with contact information for you. Emailing and texting is fine to keep a paper trail of all communications during your divorce.  It is important to show that you are being cooperative, especially if you will be going through custodial proceedings.  

For more information, contact a divorce attorney, like one from McKissick & McKissick.
